- Apache (with mod rewrite) + php
- Qt version 4.3 minimum (with development libraries)
- A Nabaztag / tag
Get the sources
The most up to date sources are on GitHub:
git clone
This command will retrieve the source, including the creation of two directories:
- Server
These are all the files to the server
- Http-wrapper
These are the files for the HTTP part
Set up the HTTP part
The Apache server must be configured so that the directory http-wrapper is the root of the domain (or subdomain).
- Let the user system that starts the web server can read and write files in the directory http-wrapper
- The user who launches openjabnab need to write to the folder http-wrapper/ojn_local/
Compile the openJabNab server
go in the “server”.
cd <path to sources>/openJabNab/server
Generate the Makefile with the command “qmake-r” Start compiling (make)
qmake-r make
Copy the file openjabnab.ini-dist in the bin directory, and rename openjabnab.ini
cp openjabnab.ini-dist bin/openjabnab.ini
Edit this file and replace “” with your domain
Choose the authentication mode you want (depending on the standalone mode or proxy) in the bin/plugins/plugin_auth.ini
Proxy mode
- Proxy
Standalone mode
- Full
- Patched
Launch the executable “openjabnab” created in the bin directory
Server Usage
Configure the Nabaztag/tag 1) to use the domain “” instead of (in advanced settings)
Save the configuration to relaunch the rabbit.